- Healthcare Workers: Information on COVID-19www.cdc.gov
- Guidance for COVID-19www.cdc.gov
- Quarantine and Isolationwww.cdc.gov
- Everyday Health – Online Health Informationwww.everydayhealth.com
- American Health Care Associationwww.ahcancal.org
- American Public Health Associationwww.apha.org
- National Institutes of Healthwww.health.nih.gov
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Serviceswww.hhs.gov
- American Society on Agingwww.asaging.org
- American Diabetes Associationwww.diabetes.org
- Alzheimer’s Associationwww.alz.org
- American Heart Associationwww.heart.org
- Disaster Response and Recoverywww.asaging.org
- Plan Ahead for Disasterswww.ready.gov
- Americans with Disabilities Actwww.dol.gov
- Ohio Department of Healthwww.odh.gov